Support sought to prevent loss of regional health voices

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien is seeking the support of Gippslanders through a petition calling on the Allan Labor Government to keep its hands off regional hospitals and drop plans for mega-mergers.

The online petition has been launched in response to confirmation from Minster for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas that at least 20 health services across Victoria will have their funding slashed – reportedly by up to 30 per cent – leaving many of the impacted services with no choice but to cut front line services.

The confirmation of the funding cuts follows plans in a secret Health Service Plan that involves mergers of health services across the state.

“I am aware that some of our hospitals in Gippsland are subject to these significant cuts and management are currently desperately trying to work out how they’ll make savings.

“It will either mean job cuts or services reductions, if not both.

“Likewise, there is no question in my mind that the forced merger of our regional health services will only result in a reduction of service and more travel for Gippslanders seeking medical care,” Mr O’Brien said.

“With our local emergency departments already struggling to meet demand, and in many cases failing to meet key performance targets, the idea that reducing funding would have anything other than a detrimental impact is insulting.”

Mr O’Brien said Labor’s priorities are all wrong and regional Victorians are paying the price.

“Premier Jacinta Allan can find the money for a $200 billion train line in Melbourne but goes missing when asked to find the money to keep local health services up and running.

“The Allan Labor Government cannot manage money and it’s Gippslanders who are suffering the consequences.”

Those wanting to sign the petition can do so online at

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