Questions without notice and ministers statements

Danny O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (14:01): My question is to the Premier. PAEC was told last week there are 487 kilometres of road across the state with reduced speed limits due to the poor state of the road. Will the entire 487 kilometres be fixed and the speed limit returned to its previous level by the end of the summer maintenance program?

Danny O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (14:05): Apparently the Premier cannot, Speaker, because she does not answer the questions.

The SPEAKER: Order! Through the Chair.

Danny O’BRIEN: I did say it through the Chair. The Department of Transport and Planning reported some 1,200 Victorians had submitted claims for compensation due to damage to their cars from substandard road surfaces. During a cost-of-living crisis, how many Victorians received compensation?

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