New platform helps locals help others

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien with Rosedale local and Go Helpie co-founder Sparie Nass

Volunteering is now easier than ever thanks to new platform Go Helpie that connects would-be volunteers with local organisations.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien recently meet with Go Helpie co-founder and Rosedale local, Sparie Nass to discuss the benefits of the initiative and how it will help build a stronger community.

“Go Helpie is the result of a collaboration between Sparie and her co-founder Michael O’Connell who saw a need in the community to increase the visibility of local volunteer opportunities,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Sparie and Michael created Go Helpie to streamline the volunteering process and make it easier for locals to find local organisations that need their help and match their skillset and availability.

“The platform, which is growing everyday, provides a list of detailed volunteer opportunities that are easily shareable on social media to help spread the word.

“It also allows volunteers to set up a profile showcasing their skills and availability which they can choose to keep private or make publicly available so that organisations can reach out to them.”

Examples of volunteer opportunities currently listed on the platform include sewing joey pouches from the comfort of your own home or collecting for the local CFA Good Friday Appeal.

Mr O’Brien said regional communities like the ones that make up Gippsland South have a strong reliance on volunteers for local programs from in our schools, to recreational activities and sport right through to emergency services.

“Go Helpie is a great platform and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the community by increasing volunteer numbers.

“If you have ever thought about volunteering or are an organisation in need of volunteers, please check out Go Helpie and register yourself or your organisation.”

For more information or to sign up visit

Caption: The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien with Rosedale local and Go Helpie co-founder Sparie Nass.

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