Volunteers and participants at the men’s shed in Leongatha will soon be moving into sparkling new facilities thanks to support from the state government.
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien recently caught up with president Max Wood and Ron Campbell to view the new facility which is almost completed at the Leongatha Recreation Reserve.
Mr O’Brien was proud to support the group’s application for state government funding to help build the new shed and move out of their cramped conditions at the old Leongatha primary school site.
“It’s great to see this fantastic new facility almost complete. The Leongatha Men’s Shed is very active and regularly raises its own funds and has contributed a significant amount to this project.
“Men’s sheds are a great way for men, older men in particular, to get out and keep active and many of the sheds are beginning to fully reengage as lockdowns are put behind us.
“The men’s sheds are just as much about social interaction and mental health and well-being as they are about tinkering with tools and trades.
“I was proud to support the Leongatha Men’s Shed in their funding application and I’m looking forward to this facility being fully opened soon.”