Transfer stations in both the Wellington and South Gippsland Shires have ceased to participate in the Victorian Government’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien says the decision of the transfer station operators within both shires to withdraw from the scheme is evidence of the Allan Labor’s Government’s mismanagement of the program.

“The CDS program has been a hit with locals, with Sale’s own privately operated Tambo Recycling Centre among the state’s top performing collection points,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Gippslanders are actively wanting to take part in this scheme and do their bit for the environment, but the Allan Labor government’s failure to ensure the program is properly resourced and managed has severely impacted our ability to do so.
“We now have a situation where operators just aren’t finding it viable to continue.”
In recent statements on social media, both South Gippsland and Wellington Shires highlighted ongoing difficulties with the collection of deposited containers as a barrier for their contractors to continue to take part in the scheme.
Mr O’Brien said while he was disappointed in the decision to cease participation in the CDS, he could understand the contractors’ reasons for doing so.
“I am told that major barriers to implementing the program were completely overlooked during the project’s implementation,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The failure of the Government’s own contractors to regularly collect the deposited containers led not only to attendants having to refuse further deposits, but left transfer stations victim to break-ins and vandalism as would-be criminals attempted to steal the stock-piled containers.
“We are now in a position where many Gippsland towns like Mirboo North, Yarram and Gormandale simply have no locations nearby to deposit cans.
“I am grateful to the private operators who are continuing to see the program through, but with reports already coming in that vending machines are not being emptied often enough I do fear for the future of the program.
“It is a reflection on the Allan Labor Government that this well-received and much touted scheme is at risk of failing due to continued mismanagement.”