Government backs new site for Sale College

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien is continuing his campaign for consolidation of Sale College on to one site – winning support from the state government.

Mr O’Brien recently put a question to the Minister for Education in State Parliament seeking an update on the Sale College planning process.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien says there’s good progress on the campaign for a new Sale College.

“In last year’s budget I was very pleased to have secured $3 million for early works and master planning for Sale College.

“I have been working with the College for at least five years on a plan to consolidate on to one site, either the existing Guthridge campus or a new greenfield site.

“It has been clear for some time that the school, the Committee for Wellington and Wellington Shire support a new site and I understand land in Cobains Road opposite the Gippsland Regional Sports Centre is a favoured option.

“I am pleased to have a response from the Education Minister which indicates that the Government also supports a new site, although it has declined to identify where or any further details of planning for a new school.”

Mr O’Brien said he was excited that the campaign for improved secondary education in Sale district was now gathering steam.

“I was very happy when the Government allocated money for master planning last year and it seems there is now some movement with respect to a consolidated site.

“Our public school students deserve the best facilities we can offer them and both the current Sale campuses are in need of significant work. Having students spread across two different sites is not ideal from an educational perspective.

“I believe that by consolidating onto a new campus we will give our students the very best opportunities available and improve the educational outcomes for our kids in the Sale district.”

Mr O’Brien said he hoped to be able to continue to work with the Government over its planning for the future and would liaise with the school and the local community about the options going forward.


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