The Allan Labor Government must quickly move to shut down the prospect of transmission lines through South Gippsland to connect proposed offshore wind farms, The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien says.
It comes after offshore wind proponent Gippsland Skies proposed an alternative connection point via Waratah Bay and South Gippsland through its community consultation.
In response, Mr O’Brien was quick to call on the Minister for Energy and Resources to immediately rule out a second onshore connection point
“Rather than connect through Ninety Mile Beach and the Giffard area, as has been promoted by VicGrid, Gippsland Skies has suggested it might come up through Waratah Bay and South Gippsland to connect to the grid at Hazelwood or Loy Yang.
“This is simply unacceptable and a prospect that must be immediately ruled out by the Minster.”
Mr O’Brien said the Allan Labor Government must take charge and ensure that VicGrid does its job to ensure the communities of Gippsland are not exposed to multiple transmission lines.
“The whole idea of VicGrid – and I have supported the notion from the start – is to make sure that we coordinate these transmission lines and don’t end up with a spaghetti effect.
“If Gippsland Skies is to be allowed to connect with overhead 500 kilovolt powerlines, there will be many people who will be understandably very upset about it. The Minister must rule it out now.
“It’s already bad enough for landholders along the proposed corridor to the east.”
Mr O’Brien said Gippslanders were assured that VicGrid was established to avoid exactly these sorts of situations.
“The government has the opportunity now to work with the Commonwealth and to work with the developers proposing the offshore wind farms and say, ‘No. We have told you through Giffard, one line.’
“It must now do exactly that and not expose the beautiful South Gippsland hills to yet another transmission line.”